APEF (Asia-Pacific Economic Forum) is an international economics group established in May 2001 at the Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea. APEF’s objectives are to research, discuss and disseminate substantive findings and information on economic development, banking, trade, regional integration and international economic relations in Asia-Pacific countries.
APEF membership currently includes academics from high-level universities in Australia, US, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Iran, Turkey, France, United Arab Emirates, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other Asian countries.
This is the eleventh in the APEF conference series. Previous conferences were hosted by Kangwon National University, Korea (2001), University of Wollongong, Australia (2002), Keio University, Japan (2003), Renmin University of China (2004), Kangwon National University, Korea (2006), University of Wollongong, Australia (2007), University of Isfahan and University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran (2008), Keio University, Japan (2009), Renmin University of China (2010), and University of Tehran, Iran (2011). Several Conference Proceedings have been published in book form by high-level international publishers.
The 11th APEF Annual Conference in 2012 is being organised by the Monetary and Banking Research Institute (MBRI), affiliated to the Iran’s Central Bank. The theme of the conference is of considerable contemporary regional and international interest: “Asia-Pacific Experiences in International Banking, Foreign Trade and SMEs Financing”. The Conference’s purpose is to get together well-known international economists and experts in a pleasant and congenial location to present their research work on:
- Trade Relations in Asia-Pacific,
- Economic Co-operation in Asia-Pacific
- International Banking and Asia Experiences
- Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Asia
- Trade Integration and Entrepreneurship Development in Asia
- Oil, Investment and Regional Growth in Asia
- SMEs, Trade Expansion and Economic Development
- Asia-Pacific Experiences of SMEs Financing
- Regional and Global Financial Markets and Global Crises
All papers submitted to the 11th APEF conference will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers for presentation will be considered for publication in the Conference Proceedings, International Economics Studies Journal (University of Isfahan), the Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research (University of Tehran) and Money and Economy (MBRI).